Five star review for Clowns on Reader’s Favorite


A five star review from Reader’s Favorite. 🙂

Clowns by Michael Kamp reminded me of a young adult version of IT, the film that turned me against clowns for life!
I must say that this is a really well-written book, a bit on the descriptive side so, if you don’t want horrible visions in your mind, don’t read it!
Although it is only a short story, Michael Kamp has managed to include quite a lot; we got the backstory quite neatly, along with the character development, which was good.
It is a little on the gory side, but that doesn’t detract from the story and the unique plot line. I didn’t like clowns before and I definitely still don’t, but for a younger adult who likes a good horror story that they can read in one sitting, this is ideal.
I liked the fact that Michael Kamp explained how things were done in Denmark at the end and how it tied in with his story – a few interesting facts there.

I like it.

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